Overcoming Unsupportive Family

As I reflect on my journey, I am compelled to share my experience with other young adults who may find themselves in similar circumstances. Living with an emotionally abusive family member, particularly when their actions are compounded by the undermining behavior of other relatives, can be a deeply challenging ordeal. Yet, through faith and resilience,Continue reading “Overcoming Unsupportive Family”

Healing Pages: Books to Overcome Depression, Fear, and Anxiety with Faith

In times of struggle, turning to literature can offer solace, guidance, and a pathway to healing. For Christians battling depression, fear, and anxiety, the right books can provide spiritual insights, practical tools, and a comforting reminder of God’s presence. Here, we’ve curated a collection of recommended reads, each offering unique perspectives and strategies to navigateContinue reading “Healing Pages: Books to Overcome Depression, Fear, and Anxiety with Faith”

Dear diary

Why as a victim does society force me to reconcile with an abuser because “he’s family” yet the abuser is never questioned or is never held accountable? Why am I supposed to reconcile with my brother who has tried to kill me but he never faces the consequences of his actions? I see my auntContinue reading “Dear diary”

Overcoming Anxiety: Strategies for a Calmer Life

Anxiety is a common mental health challenge that affects millions of people worldwide. I have been struggling with it since I was in high school. It has manifested as social anxiety and lately, I’ve been feeling uneasy, stressed and sometimes fearful. After doing some research, I realized that anxiety is manageable, and with the rightContinue reading “Overcoming Anxiety: Strategies for a Calmer Life”

Dear diary

Got a text from an old friend today. I’m happy to hear from her. It would be nice to catch up but how do I explain to her my new normal? How does one explain to friends and family that I’m temporarily in a wheelchair? This is still new so it’s all I think about.Continue reading “Dear diary”

Am I ready to heal?

I watched a podcast recently and one thing stood out for me throughout that whole podcast; “Your instincts are your future self speaking to your present self”. Lately my instincts or my inner voice have been telling me to start my healing journey. I’m struggling to start because I’m still living in a toxic environment.Continue reading “Am I ready to heal?”

Dear diary

Today I don’t feel good. I feel anxious. I’m anxious about the road ahead. I spoke to my physiotherapist and I realized how long this journey is going to be. I don’t have the support I need from my family which makes this journey harder. This is a tough season. I don’t know what GodContinue reading “Dear diary”

Life lately

I was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1 when I was 15. This diagnosis comes after concern with the tumours growing on my skin. I was told by the doctors that no matter how much surgery we do to remove them, they would grow back. This affected my self-confidence greatly and I always made sure toContinue reading “Life lately”

The Heart of a Conqueror

Hello there 🙂. My name is Shoki and I am a conqueror. In February 2005 my mother passed away. I was only 9 years old. I had been battling depression and anxiety from the age of 14. In 2019 I was at my lowest point. Depression almost claimed my life. But I decided to fightContinue reading “The Heart of a Conqueror”

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