I miss you, Fefe

Fefe, ngwana ko gae. Abuti waka. It’s hard to accept that we’re never gonna have our soccer banter ever again. It’s hard to accept that you’ll never be there to give me relationship advice. I find myself wanting to reach out to you, to share the thoughts and feelings that have been on my mindContinue reading “I miss you, Fefe”

Dear diary

Why as a victim does society force me to reconcile with an abuser because “he’s family” yet the abuser is never questioned or is never held accountable? Why am I supposed to reconcile with my brother who has tried to kill me but he never faces the consequences of his actions? I see my auntContinue reading “Dear diary”

I’m struggling …

Since I fell sick in 2021, I have been making an active decision to take my relationship with Jesus seriously. May 2023 was when I did a proper repentance prayer and at that point, I had forsaken a lot of things that were against God’s word. I started to see God move through me. MyContinue reading “I’m struggling …”

God’s will

God’s will is for me to serve Him. I cannot wholeheartedly serve him without forgiving and releasing James from my heart. I now know that when he gets aggressive, I should react with silence and then prayer. I should always find something to be thankful for and my Father in Heaven will forgive me. IfContinue reading “God’s will”

Am I ready to heal?

I watched a podcast recently and one thing stood out for me throughout that whole podcast; “Your instincts are your future self speaking to your present self”. Lately my instincts or my inner voice have been telling me to start my healing journey. I’m struggling to start because I’m still living in a toxic environment.Continue reading “Am I ready to heal?”

Dear diary

Today I don’t feel good. I feel anxious. I’m anxious about the road ahead. I spoke to my physiotherapist and I realized how long this journey is going to be. I don’t have the support I need from my family which makes this journey harder. This is a tough season. I don’t know what GodContinue reading “Dear diary”

My uncle married a witch

At first glance, she’s the nicest person you’ll ever meet. She gives the biggest hugs. Everyone loves her sense of humour. She takes care of her husband and children. It’s almost easy to fall into her trap. No one would ever suspect what she does behind closed doors. My mother was always protective of me.Continue reading “My uncle married a witch”

Dear Livhu

I don’t know if I told you but I remember speaking to a medium once and she mentioned you. At first, I thought was speaking about my cousin but she was speaking about you. She said there’s a young lady in your life who is meant to be close to you. She said we wereContinue reading “Dear Livhu”

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