Finding Healing and Forgiveness through Journaling with God

The journey toward healing and forgiveness can be one of the most challenging yet transformative experiences in life. If you find yourself struggling to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply, such as your aunt, know that you are not alone. Through faith and the power of journaling with God, you can begin a profoundContinue reading “Finding Healing and Forgiveness through Journaling with God”

Rediscovering Freedom After Abuse

Escaping the clutches of abuse is a monumental achievement, but the journey toward freedom doesn’t end there. Rediscovering a sense of self, healing, and embracing newfound freedom is a process that requires patience and self-compassion. In this guide, we’ll explore steps to help survivors navigate the path to freedom after escaping abusive situations. Reclaiming PersonalContinue reading “Rediscovering Freedom After Abuse”

Healing Pages: Books to Overcome Depression, Fear, and Anxiety with Faith

In times of struggle, turning to literature can offer solace, guidance, and a pathway to healing. For Christians battling depression, fear, and anxiety, the right books can provide spiritual insights, practical tools, and a comforting reminder of God’s presence. Here, we’ve curated a collection of recommended reads, each offering unique perspectives and strategies to navigateContinue reading “Healing Pages: Books to Overcome Depression, Fear, and Anxiety with Faith”

I’m struggling …

Since I fell sick in 2021, I have been making an active decision to take my relationship with Jesus seriously. May 2023 was when I did a proper repentance prayer and at that point, I had forsaken a lot of things that were against God’s word. I started to see God move through me. MyContinue reading “I’m struggling …”

Life is spiritual

Prayer is powerful. Please do not underestimate the power of prayer. Do not underestimate the power of meditating in God’s presence and reading his word. Be consistent in communicating with God. Life is spiritual. Some people are against you in secret and you have no idea what words they are speaking into your life. StayContinue reading “Life is spiritual”

God’s will

God’s will is for me to serve Him. I cannot wholeheartedly serve him without forgiving and releasing James from my heart. I now know that when he gets aggressive, I should react with silence and then prayer. I should always find something to be thankful for and my Father in Heaven will forgive me. IfContinue reading “God’s will”

Forgiveness and reconciliation

Forgiveness doesn’t mean reconciliation and it doesn’t mean what they did is okay. It just means you don’t want them to hold you back. You want to heal and move on. You don’t want to continue having negative thoughts about them. Yes they hurt you and yes you want revenge but “Vengeance is mine,” saysContinue reading “Forgiveness and reconciliation”

It’s time to fight

I’m trying to learn the art of manifestation. I’ve been listening to a lot of gospel music and a lot of self-work podcasts. This time I’m fighting back. Walking through the wilderness with no one to guide me is tough, but I have to fight. I can’t be here forever. Lord help me.

Change is coming

While praying today my heart was filled with gratitude. Physically I’m not where I want to be but my heart or maybe the Holy spirit is telling me that my story is changing for the better. Change is coming. I feel it in my spirit.

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